Promote to Earn

Multichain APP!!



Token Info

Total Supply: 30 000 000 000

Softcap = 5000 TON

Presale (36%)
DEXs listing (16.524%)
Ecosystem (20%)
Marketing (14.576%)
Team & Dev (6.9%)
Airdrop (6%)

Jetton contract


How does it work

A partner commissions and funds a promotional campaign within a NotB bot. Our team tailors the bot’s design and tasks specifically for the project. Subsequently, our participants engage in activities to earn points.

Examples of tasks include:
*Tap coin
*Spin the wheel
*Join the partner’s community


🏆Win for projects

The project orders campaigns and receives a customized application to promote its project with various options.

💎Tap logo

Target 🎯

Promote Telegram to an active community of users.

Why it’s worth it
promote your project?

You get access to real users who are familiar with the ecosystem.
With us, only the most active players earn, so you have confidence in the involvement of the community. At the end of the campaign you get a summary of activity. This is an alternative to ads on groups and channels which often offer empty reach for high rates.

🏆Win for community

Our community gets involved in the campaign
by playing bots

💎 gaining points
💎 performing various tasks.

Fighting for the best stats will be profitable. The best players will win prizes donated by the projects.

Target 🎯

Earning Opportunities

Why is it worth taking part in campaigns?

Often campaigns on various platforms require a lot of commitment and they give empty NFT. In baby in each campaign guaranteed-prizes are TON token or other coins that have sufficient liquidity so that they can be exchanged for Ton or stablecoins.



This rank final increases the final balance of dug up coins before distribution

🥉Bronze =+0% 🥈 Silver =+10%

🏅Gold =+15% 💎Platinum=+50%


🏅Gold & Platinum💎 = Extra Giveaways

Leaderboard Teams TOP 3 = Extra Giveaways 🔥

Promote to Earn Bot

Join our community and earn money by promoting projects on the TON network!!!

Each campaign is an opportunity to earn Tap, Spin the wheel, Earn reefs.

Bot Functions

Tap – Mining coins

Tap – Mining coins

Referrals – Mining coins through referrals .

Advertise Time – Boost x2 for tapping while promoting affiliates.

Earn – earning coins for performing marketing activities e.g. joining tg,x partner

Spin Free – Lottery 1 spin of the wheel available every hour.

Spin VIP – Paid lottery available when we get 15k active players.

Up to 100 spins of the wheel . Funds earned from sales will be accumulated for a week. The top 3 participants with the most coins earned in Spin vip will receive the entire weekly pot in TON for distribution.

Boost – upgrade your account e.g. possibility where 1 tap – 2 Coins or 10 and boost in the form of increasing the limit .

Referrals – Mining coins through referrals .

Advertise Time – Boost x2 for tapping while promoting affiliates.

Earn – earning coins for performing marketing activities e.g. joining tg,x partner

Spin Free – Lottery 1 spin of the wheel available every hour.

Spin VIP – Paid lottery available when we get 15k active players.

Up to 100 spins of the wheel . Funds earned from sales will be accumulated for a week. The top 3 participants with the most coins earned in Spin vip will receive the entire weekly pot in TON for distribution.

Boost – upgrade your account e.g. possibility where 1 tap – 2 Coins or 10 and boost in the form of increasing the limit .


Promote your project among the engaged TON blockchain community. The ever-growing community will get to see your social media channels. By tapping, your brand will become more recognizable.